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  • Chances of Winning Medical Malpractice Claim

    Mar 1, 2023

    Medical Malpractice Lawyer The odds of winning a medical malpractice lawsuit depend heavily on the collected evidence. If evidence is convincing or considered strong, claimants have more of a chance of getting the verdict they are hoping for. However, less convincing evidence diminishes the odds greatly, and evidence considered weak offers a small chance of victory with a jury trial. As a medical malpractice lawyer advises, it’s always recommended that people recruit help from a...
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  • Domestic Violence Lawyer Provides Info

    Jan 25, 2023

    Criminal Law Domestic violence refers to any abusive behavior in an intimate relationship, including physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological abuse. It can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or socio-economic status according to a domestic violence lawyer we recommend speaking with our friends at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law. The impact of domestic violence can be far-reaching and long-lasting. It can lead to physical injuries, emotional trauma, and a fear...
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  • Estate Planning For Your CatWrongful Death

    Jan 21, 2023

    Family members do not arrive only in the form of humans. Many people in today’s society view their pets as another family member who they form lifelong companionships with. But have you ever asked yourself what would happen to your feline friend if you were to pass away unexpectedly due to something such as wrongful death or become incapacitated and cannot express your wishes? That is where estate planning comes in handy, because through this...
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  • Common Car Accident Scenarios

    Jan 21, 2023

    Car Accident Attorney Seeking legal help for a car accident claim can be hard especially if you do not know what first step to take. Whenever you are going through any kind of legal issue you will want to first understand what your legal options are. you will never know if your case requires professional help unless you meet with an experienced and qualified attorney who has experience handling cases. Find a personal injury lawyer...
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  • The Benefits Of Hiring A Law Firm

    Dec 20, 2022

    Law Firms Law firms are a great source of assistance for people dealing with different things related to the law. Whether someone is dealing with a charge against them or is filing a lawsuit against a company for a product defect injury the law firm will be there to assist. Some law firms operate on the basis that they will only need to be paid if the case is won. When you are looking for...
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  • Factors To Consider When Hiring A Whistleblower Lawyer

    Dec 12, 2022

    Deciding to expose a workplace or organization engaging in corruption like embezzlement or tax fraud is a tough decision to make according to a whistleblower lawyer at Eric Siegel Law. There are many reasons why someone would choose to, including a person’s own moral code. Whatever your reasons are, it’s best to hire an attorney to do so. Unfortunately, whistleblowers can often face retaliation, including financial burdens and even potential legal repercussions. We’ll explore some...
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  • Types Of Personal Injury Cases 

    Dec 6, 2022

    When you are deciding whether to file a personal injury case, you may want to hire a lawyer who understands just what to do. They will work hard and tirelessly to advocate for you and protect your rights so that you do not have to suffer the consequences. You should not have to pay because of another person’s negligence. If you have been in a car accident, bicycle accident or other type of personal injury...
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  •  How Admitting Fault May Impact Your Case 

    Dec 2, 2022

    How Admitting Fault May Impact Your Case In the unfortunate event of suffering an injury or property damage in a car accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for expenses that were incurred as a result. Compensation can be pursued for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and numerous other costs that arose as a direct result of the accident. As our friends at Tuttle Law, P.A. explain, in order to preserve your rights,...
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  • Personal Injury Cases Aside From Car Accident

    Nov 21, 2022

    Aside from car accidents, what other types of personal injury accidents are there? As someone who may have recently been injured because of someone else’s neglect or carelessness, you may wonder if what happened to you warrants filing a lawsuit. There are many different types of accidents categorized under the area of personal injury law. Here are examples of personal injury accidents that you should be aware of, but keep in mind, there are countless...
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  • The Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Rule 8.3

    Nov 4, 2022

    The Model Rules of Professional Conduct are a set of ethically driven rules that attorneys need to follow, both as counsel for their client and as an officer of the court. One of the most prominent rules within these is Model Rule 8.3. This rule dictates that an attorney must report to the proper authorities when they become aware of misconduct by a judge or another lawyer. The rule is divided into several components. Rule...
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