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Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Charlotte, NC

Charlotte Dram Shop Liability Attorney Helping Victims Seek Justice in Mecklenburg County, Wake County, Guilford County, and Throughout North Carolina

Someone else’s poor decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated can change your life forever. Drunk driving is a particularly risky action that often harms victims whose only mistake is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. When a crash caused by an intoxicated driver has left you with significant injuries, a drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, can help you hold the drunk driver accountable.

At Schehr Law PLLC, our team is committed to seeking maximum compensation from all potential defendants to help make victims injured in drunk driving accidents financially whole. We’re ready to represent you in a civil claim for compensation at no upfront cost. Contact us today to get started with a free, no-obligation consultation.

Injured & Have Questions? We Can Help.

Drunk Driving Accident Claims in Charlotte, NC

Despite campaigns to keep drivers from operating vehicles while intoxicated, drunk driving remains a major problem on North Carolina roads. The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles reported that alcohol use was a contributing factor in 8,856 accidents in 2022. Of these drunk driving crashes, 293 resulted in at least one fatality, and 3,887 resulted in injuries.

Victims of drunk driving accidents in North Carolina have legal rights. To ensure they fully understand these rights and are able to recover the maximum compensation available, they should turn to a knowledgeable Charlotte dram shop liability attorney like Schehr Law PLLC.

Victims’ Rights to Compensation for Drunk Driving Injuries

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident with a drunk driver, North Carolina law gives you the right to seek compensation from all negligent parties, including but not limited to the intoxicated motorist who hit you.

How Schehr Law Can Help You

Get the Compensation You Deserve

  • A Proven Track Record of Successful Personal Injury Cases
  • Dedicated to Giving Every Victim a Voice
  • Get Results That Give You What You Deserve

Suing a Drunk Driver in North Carolina

Under NC state law, drunk driving is one of the specific behaviors behind the wheel that can constitute gross negligence. Gross negligence is a more serious disregard for the duty of care to others than standard negligence.

Gross negligence can affect your claim against the drunk driver in important ways. For example, North Carolina generally follows a strict contributory negligence rule. This rule prevents a victim who is found to share even the smallest percentage of fault for an accident from being able to recover compensation, even if the victim was only 1% at fault and the defendant was 99% at fault. However, in matters of gross negligence in North Carolina, the contributory negligence rule does not apply. That’s good news for injured victims. It’s not unusual for insurance companies to unfairly try to place some of the blame for the accident on the victim to get out of paying their claim. Once your drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, establishes the other motorist’s gross negligence, the insurer can’t use this tactic to try to stop you from securing the money damages you deserve.

In a car accident injury claim against a drunk driver, you will typically seek compensation through the driver’s auto insurance policy. Through this process, your lawyer will file the paperwork required for the claims or litigation process and provide evidence that establishes the drunk driver’s negligence and your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. Most car accident claims are resolved through settlement negotiations, but Schehr Law PLLC’s drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, is always willing to take a case to trial if that’s what’s needed to secure the maximum compensation you’re entitled to.

If the drunk driver who injured you is uninsured or their auto insurance coverage is insufficient to cover your damages, we may be able to pursue compensation for you under your own auto insurance policy. Drivers in North Carolina are required to have uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage as part of their auto insurance policy.

Suing an intoxicated motorist for injuries isn’t always straightforward, but the guidance of a drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, can help you progress your claim forward and overcome challenges.

Seeking Compensation Under Dram Shop Liability

The drunk driver who hit you made the choice to operate a vehicle while impaired, but this person may not be the only party whose negligence contributed to the accident. In some instances, you may be able to secure compensation from a party who supplied the alcohol to the drunk driver.

This avenue can expand the insurance coverage available to compensate you, allowing you to recover a higher amount of money for damages caused by your serious injuries. Schehr Law PLLC’s Charlotte dram shop liability attorney has experience handling these complicated claims to secure results for our clients.

Under dram shop law in NC, bars, restaurants, ABC stores (Alcoholic Beverage Control stores, or liquor stores run by independent subdivisions of the state), and other establishments are prohibited from serving alcohol to minors and visibly intoxicated patrons of any age. If such an establishment serves alcohol to an already drunk person or a minor and that person subsequently gets behind the wheel and causes an accident, state law allows the victim to hold the establishment accountable and seek financial compensation from it.

These cases can be complicated and require considerable investigation. Your Charlotte dram shop liability attorney must provide evidence of the following:

  • The establishment served alcohol to a minor or an intoxicated person.
  • The establishment knew (or should have known) that this patron would be operating a motor vehicle.
  • The patron who was wrongly served or over-served alcohol caused an accident due, at least in part, to their impairment.
  • You suffered injuries and damages as a result.

In certain situations, it may also be possible to sue the host of a private party or gathering under social host liability.

You deserve full compensation for all of your losses, as well as accountability from all parties that played a part in this life-changing ordeal you have been through. An experienced Charlotte dram shop liability attorney at Schehr Law PLLC can help you explore all avenues of legal recourse and determine the path forward.

How Schehr Law PLLC Can Help

Moving forward after a drunk driving accident may be an overwhelming prospect. You’re coping not only with the serious injuries you have sustained and the physical, emotional, and financial burdens they cause but also the frustrating unfairness of the situation. This accident was completely preventable if only the other motorist hadn’t made the choice to drink and drive, yet you’re the one facing lifelong consequences of their terrible decision.

The Benefits of Pursuing a Claim With Schehr Law PLLC’s Legal Assistance

Often, the only way to even begin turning the situation around is with professional support and financial compensation. The money your drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, recovers for you can help your family in key ways, such as:

  • Ensuring you can afford the medical care you need to have the best possible prognosis
  • Compensating you for lost wages if your injury keeps you out of work so you can pay your bills and support your family
  • Offsetting any other financial burdens that result from the accident

Sorting out the facts and potential paths toward compensation is often challenging in a drunk driving claim, particularly when it involves matters of dram shop liability. You will benefit from professional legal representation. Schehr Law PLLC offers our well-regarded legal services to drunk driving accident victims at no upfront cost, ensuring you can receive the assistance you need without adding to your financial burden.

Types of Drunk Driving Accidents We Handle

The team at Schehr Law PLLC has experience handling all kinds of motor vehicle accident claims involving impaired drivers. Examples of the kinds of cases we can assist you with include:

  • Collisions between two or more vehicles involving a drunk driver
  • Pedestrian accidents involving a drunk driver
  • Truck accidents, including commercial vehicle accidents, involving a drunk driver
  • Motorcycle accidents involving a drunk driver
  • Bicycle accidents involving a drunk driver
  • Single-vehicle drunk driving car accidents that leave passengers injured

While each type of claim poses distinct challenges, our deep knowledge of all motor vehicle accident matters positions us to confront these challenges and build strong, successful cases for our clients.

Why Choose Schehr Law PLLC

Across North Carolina, Schehr Law PLLC is known for excellence in both legal practice and client service. Here’s what you can expect from us.

Individualized Focus

Each drunk driving injury claim is uniquely heartbreaking. At Schehr Law PLLC, a drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, will provide personalized attention to your claim and treat you as an individual, not a case number. We’re committed to seeking justice and maximum compensation for your specific circumstances, including all the ways the injury has impacted your life.

A Commitment to Results

We have secured upwards of $4 million for our clients since our firm’s founding in 2020. We’re constantly fighting to get each client the maximum amount of compensation they’re entitled to from all potential defendants and sources of coverage. Through the results we achieve, our clients are able to move forward with their lives.

Our No Fee Guarantee

You need quality legal representation for a drunk driving accident, but you definitely don’t need another financial burden. Schehr Law PLLC begins each case with a free consultation and evaluation. If you choose to move forward with us as your drunk driving accident attorney in Charlotte, NC, you’ll pay nothing upfront for our legal services under our No Fee Guarantee.

Contact a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Charlotte, NC, at Schehr Law PLLC Today for a Free Case Review

The consequences of a drunk driving accident can be devastating, but you don’t have to face them alone. Our team is here to provide the support, legal advice, and comprehensive representation you need to hold all parties accountable and receive financial compensation for your losses.

For help from a drunk driving accident lawyer in Charlotte, NC, contact us online or call us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Drunk Driving Accident Claims in Charlotte and Throughout North Carolina